Daily Archives: June 19, 2010

21 Day B Well Detox: A Lesson in Waiting

Off to a healthy summer!

I am taking the leap of faith and spending the next 21 days in a sort of waiting or holding pattern while participating in the bwell4life 21-day cleanse. What am I waiting for?  I am waiting for the feeling of lightness and health.  I am waiting for the ability to stick to something that is healthy and restorative.  So come along via my blog on this journey with me, or join in!  My goals are:


establish a fitness routine

revamp my kitchen food contents

feel “light”

commit to wellness

start my summer on a positive note

I will post pictures of my new yummy meals, and note my progress.

Waiting is a challenge in this time of instant gratification when even a slightly slow Internet connection is cause for agitated huffing, but I think the things we wait for become more meaningful to us.  There are numerous saying about this:

“Good things come to those who wait.”

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.
Joseph Campbell

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Carl Sagan

Waiting is mysterious because at times, we don’t know what we are waiting for, we just have a “feeling” that we are waiting forsomething.

Waiting for “the other shoe to drop,” my life to begin, a positive change, what is due, what I deserve…the list is endless.  What if we stop waiting and take the first step?  What if we make change happen?  We can wait for the change to emerge, for the change to become habit or for the change to show, but taking the first step and being the catalyst for our own change is the best way to start the wheels of change moving.

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Filed under change, Life thoughts