
Change can be empowering, frightening, enlightening, depressing, difficult or exciting.  Often change is all of these emotions at the same time, which is possibly why so many of us are hesitant to voluntarily take change on.  Usually change happens “to” us, or we are forced to change against our will.

I have always been emotional during life-stage changes such as children growing up and entering new phases of their lives, weddings, births, deaths, and moving on, either to a new home, new job, new place in my life.  Change does not come easily because it places us in an uncomfortable unknown place and we crave the familiar.

At some point though, we begin to crave change.  We look in the mirror and say “enough!” Or we see an opportunity to grow intellectually, spiritually or to improve our health or our surroundings and we say “yes.”  We initiate the change, and that is a huge step to insuring its success.  Change embraced is change most likely to be effective.

I am embracing changeI have three areas that I will focus on:  health, spirituality, and responsibility.  I will change my health habits to protect my body and to assure my health by exercising daily walking, with yoga, strength training, pilates and Qigong (my new-found exercise area of interest.

I will focus on spirituality through meditation (One Moment Meditation), connecting with people I care about, and those I want to help and self-reflection.

I will focus on responsibility by taking responsibility to educate myself about the things I need to take care of myself and live the life I want to live.  Those include financial responsibility, staying connected to those I care about, performing my best at my job, challenging my intellect and being there, emotionally and physically, for my friends and family.

Change is not something that comes easily to me, it is an area that I chose to work on.  My life is not stagnant and my self-initiated changes are more likely to have a positive impact on my life.


Filed under change, Family, Life thoughts, Power Words, Walking

3 responses to “Change

  1. Nancy

    It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar
    and seemingly secure, to embrace the new.
    But there is no real security in what is no
    longer meaningful. There is more security
    in the adventurous and exciting,
    for in movement there is life,
    and in change there is power.

    -Alan Cohen


  2. Gary

    since nothing stays the same, change is life, no point in fighting nature, hence embrace… go with the flow, roll with the punches, face your fears, let it be, some of the endless trite sayings that help express how we handle the unknown challenges and joys that are the future.


  3. Nancy

    All appears to change when we change.
    ~Henry Amies, 19th-century Swiss writer~


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