Visit a Dictionary


Visit a Dictionary

After browsing through the dictionary, I settled on the word “poetic” and meaning number 3:  suitable as a subject for poetry.  Today was a hard day, waking to the preparation for the unveiling ceremony of my mother’s marker.  Everything was essentially done; the marker in place, the twenty-five programs for the service I wrote neatly in a box by the door along with a bag of Pebbles from Jerusalem to leave as evidence of our visit to the graveside.  Flowers were purchased and we all loaded in the car to drive to the cemetery.  The day was thankfully not yet warm and the freeway was, for once, fast and easy.  The chairs were there along with yarmulkes.  We placed the flowers in water at both of my parent’s markers and chatted with close friends and family as they arrived.  The soft, comfortable settling in of familiar conversations with people I have known my entire life was a precursor to the ceremony consisting of poems well-loved and prayers said many times before.  We all took turns reading bits a pieces in order to avoid the inevitable stream of tears, or at least to ward it off for as long as possible.  Poetic.

The day was one that inspired poetry.

The truth is

you can’t go back

to the times when

we all shared the same city

and could drop in at a

moment’s notice.

Some have scattered

to other locals,

some have departed

to other dimensions,

and for those of us

who remain,

we miss the connection,

the hugs

and warm embraces of

those who know us


The short reunions for

sad occasions

punctuate the empty

parenthesis dropped in

our life stories.

Poetic:  suitable as a subject for poetry.  The definition defines and describes the people waiting in the corners of my life.


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5 responses to “Visit a Dictionary

  1. Kim

    I thought today was really beautiful. Thank you for arranging everything and putting together a lovely ceremony and a warm gathering of friends and family.


  2. Laura

    Have just read your blog (any blog ever) for the first time. I loved it! You captured the sentiments of the day so well. I look forward to more.


  3. Middle daughter

    I like that, “the day was one that inspired poetry”


  4. Brenda

    What a beautiful ceremony it must have been. I wish I would have been able to go. Your mother would be very proud of you, Amy.


  5. Gary

    really an expression of melancholy and warmth from you. Everyone appreciated what you did, whether they said so or not. Did you write that poem?


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